Happy New Year!
We know you have some big goals set for 2020, and we'd like nothing more than to be able to help you reach all of them!
The biggest piece of the puzzle is making sure your nutrition is dialed in, as it's definitely the most important aspect of your health. Our suggestion is to sync your macronutrient intake with your training days. We will be continuing our split of upper body on Monday and Thursday, then lower body on Tuesday and Friday. This allows 72 hours of recovery between sessions, which if done correctly, will allow you to continue progressing for years to come.
To start with, consume 1 gram of protein, and .5 grams of fat PER POUND of your IDEAL BODYWEIGHT each day. We will manipulate your carbohydrate intake based on the training that day. Steady state cardio, such as jogging or biking, should be treated the same as a rest day. If your biggest focus is to lose fat, stay on the low end of the following spectrum, and if you're really trying to gain muscle, go with the high end of carbs per pound. Also, try to consume 50% of your daily carbs within 2 hours before and after your workout. This will ensure you are burning that quick energy source, instead of breaking down muscle tissue. Carbs before for fuel, then carbs after to replenish your glycogen stores... with an added insulin bonus of increasing your protein absorption.
Try this for starters:
Monday - Upper: consume 0.5g-1 gram of carbs per pound of ideal bodyweight
Tuesday - Lower: consume 1g-1.5g of carbs per pound of ideal bodyweight
Wednesday - Recovery: consume 0-0.5g of carbs per pound of ideal bodyweight (carbs from veggies only)
Thursday - Upper: consume 0.5g-1 gram of carbs per pound of ideal bodyweight
Friday - Lower: consume 1g-1.5g of carbs per pound of ideal bodyweight
Saturday - Recovery: consume 0-0.5g of carbs per pound of ideal bodyweight (carbs from veggies only)
Sunday - Recovery: consume 0-0.5g of carbs per pound of ideal bodyweight (carbs from veggies only)
Only one cheat night per week... oh, and alcoholic beverages count as a cheat!
Everyone is different, so make sure you monitor your progress, and let us know if you plateau!
Here's to awesome results!